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Smart City Platform

Improved decision-making for cities

AI Lab is an open technology framework allowing cities to connect their own existing systems with IBI’s onboard tools and insight-driven data analytics, focused on outcomes for city residents.

Combining big data and predictive analytics to support improved decision-making, the Smart City Platform is designed to connect stakeholders with the services, information and insight they need, keeping all parties in a city, from the residents to the Mayor, informed and empowered.

Smart City Platform modules:

Smart City AI Lab is a state-funded platform for sustainable city solutions. We welcome delegations from all over the world.

The Platform’s resident engagement module offers the ability to connect with city residents through an app and/or social media, fostering a two-way dialogue between residents and service operators.

Access to City Services, Complaints and Commendations, Real-time Service Request Status Monitoring, Service Request Closure Feedback Loop, Real-time Performance and Open Data.

The Platform’s resident engagement module offers the ability to connect with city residents through an app and/or social media, fostering a two-way dialogue between residents and service operators.

Access to City Services, Complaints and Commendations, Real-time Service Request Status Monitoring, Service Request Closure Feedback Loop, Real-time Performance and Open Data.

The Platform’s resident engagement module offers the ability to connect with city residents through an app and/or social media, fostering a two-way dialogue between residents and service operators.

Access to City Services, Complaints and Commendations, Real-time Service Request Status Monitoring, Service Request Closure Feedback Loop, Real-time Performance and Open Data.

The Platform’s resident engagement module offers the ability to connect with city residents through an app and/or social media, fostering a two-way dialogue between residents and service operators.

Access to City Services, Complaints and Commendations, Real-time Service Request Status Monitoring, Service Request Closure Feedback Loop, Real-time Performance and Open Data.


Make your city smarter and more responsive in just three steps…

1. Control & Monitor

Monitor an entire scheme from one place, using the Ki. Platform. Control street lighting assets remotely based on performance

2. Evaluate & Analyse

Interrogate various data sets securely, via a cloud based central repository. Analyse urban data based on unique smart city goals

3. Actionable Insights

Better understand the measures to take in order to shape the behaviour and development of smart cities


Dynamic Asset Management Dashboard

The Smart Cities Platform has a collection of intuitive visual dashboards, reports, and interactive data sets to provide all stakeholders with easy access to data. From checking current asset status, historic views of previous interactions, and even creating custom interactions with your assets, it’s all in built and ready to work from day one.


Define smart infrastructure

Lighting poles provide the perfect infrastructure for different types of IoT sensors – discover how they can help build the network your city’s smart systems need.


Ready to work, wherever work takes you

Our entire platform has been built to work wherever you are, in the field, in your office, or across the world.

Our mobile apps and web platform are built to allow all stakeholders to work on the go and get things done! The iOS and Android apps are built natively and support all core features, routing capabilities, and onboarding/firmware update tools.

Smart City Expo World Congress

Learn how AI Lab helps city leaders deliver programmes and services in a way that is secure, compliant and protects the privacy of constituents.

November 19-21, 2022 | New York, USA

Frequently asked questions

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Aenean pulvinar et ipsum at laoreet. Curabitur eleifend interdum justo, a commodo turpis efficitur eu. Cras tempus leo enim, eget tincidunt metus tincidunt ac. Suspe gravida vitae nisl sit amet mattis. Nunc fringilla leo non sem. Quis risus sed vulputate odio. Et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus.

Aenean pulvinar et ipsum at laoreet. Curabitur eleifend interdum justo, a commodo turpis efficitur eu. Cras tempus leo enim, eget tincidunt metus tincidunt ac. Suspe gravida vitae nisl sit amet mattis. Nunc fringilla leo non sem. Quis risus sed vulputate odio. Et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus.

Aenean pulvinar et ipsum at laoreet. Curabitur eleifend interdum justo, a commodo turpis efficitur eu. Cras tempus leo enim, eget tincidunt metus tincidunt ac. Suspe gravida vitae nisl sit amet mattis. Nunc fringilla leo non sem. Quis risus sed vulputate odio. Et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus.

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